Why Are So Many Famous Entrepreneurs Seemingly Uneducated, And So Many Really Smart People Unsuccessful?

Famous entrepreneurs – the ones we all want to emulate when we first start out in business – operate totally differently to the masses.

OK, you probably already know that – but do you know why?

The fact is, there is a huge difference between what most people know and what we actually do.

So many people try to improve their results (and those of other people) by flooding their minds with more and more information.

They go on endless courses, attend more and more trainings, study for qualifications far beyond what they’ll ever actually need…

All resulting in them receiving tons of information that sits in their memory ready to be regurgitated as and when needed – but not actually being used to generate results.

This is the reason why we see so many intelligent, very well educated people with letters after their name coming off the end of their business card, who seem to have spent a large chunk of their lives in and out of further education – who are completely broke.

Many of them are stuck in jobs they’d rather not be in, living with their parents or in rented accommodation, earning far less income than they could do – all because they aren’t aware what to do with all that knowledge they’ve absorbed over the years.

Yes, they can repeat it, they can tell you facts and figures, they can make well-argued points and write well-constructed opinions…but that very rarely translates into the ability to achieve the things they really want in life.

Far more valuable is the ability to take action – to actually do what we already know how to do.

To look at our lives and identify all the things we are currently doing that are holding us back and replace them with thoughts, ideas and behaviours that will actually move us towards where we want to be in life.

And it’s this action-taking ability that sets those famous entrepreneurs apart from the hundreds of thousands of business owners who give up and close their doors within 3 years of starting.

We call this the knowing/doing gap, and we transform it in Day 2 of my FREE 5 Day ‘Science Of Success’ Quick-Start Challenge

Regardless of their educational, family or ethnic background, most people already KNOW what they need to do to be successful on their chosen path, they’re just not doing it.

The truth is that we were raised in a world and received schooling in a system where the focus was on taking in the information and then recognising the individual for how much they could remember.

However, we are now living in a world that isn’t really interested in what you know. In fact just about the only people who are being recognised today (including those famous entrepreneurs you see on YouTube who seem to be ‘just like you and me’) are the ones who will actually do things – the ones who get the job done.

The good news is that, in almost every case, without any further study, pretty much everyone can improve their performance and enjoy greater results with what they already know.

Think about a current situation where you’re not receiving the results you really want – in your life or in your business.

What’s the gap between what you know you should be doing, and what you’re actually doing that would start to rectify this?

What’s your knowing/doing gap?

What is a worthy goal?

“Change is inevitable, but personal growth is a choice.”

You have a tremendous amount of creative potential – and the truth is, there is no-one alive who can even guess at what you, as an individual, are capable of achieving.

So, if this is the case, why do so few people actually achieve anything of any significance in life?

Why is it that only 2-4% of all the people who go through our educational system become successful in their chosen field?

Well, there are many reasons, but one of the most significant reasons is that the vast majority of people never even aim for success, because we have become so conditioned, by our upbringing and our surroundings, into believing we have to know HOW to achieve something before we even seriously consider it.

So most people never even get as far as making it their goal to be successful.

The Wright brothers didn’t know how they were going to make a plane fly when they first made it their goal in life. Edison tried over 10,000 times to invent a working lightbulb – he had no idea how he was going to do it until he made it his goal and started working towards it.

And yet, for most people, their dreams never even become a serious consideration because they don’t know how they’d do it.

Instead, they settle for mediocre goals – goals they think they can probably achieve rather than the things they really, desperately want to be, do or have in life, often because of fear of disappointment.

A true goal – a WORTHY goal must come from within. A true goal’s purpose is to cause you to grow – it causes you to draw from a part of you you didn’t even know existed.

Do you have a C-Type Goal?

In Thinking Into Results, we focus on 3 types of goal: A-, B- and C-Type goals.

An A-Type goal is something you already know how to achieve.

Maybe you ran the London Marathon last year and you’ve decided to make it your goal again for this year.

That’s not a worthy goal because it’s something you’ve already done once – you know you can do it and you know how. There is no personal growth needed to achieve an A-Type goal.

A B-Type goal is what most people progress to after an A-Type goal.

A B-Type goal is something you think you can probably achieve if a number of factors you’re expecting fall into place. Businesses set these kinds of goals all the time – a 10% increase in sales, a 5% increase in net profits…

They create a detailed, meticulous plan for how it will happen and call this their goal.

But the truth is there is no motivation – no inspiration – in A or B-Type goals. There’s no skin in the game. It’s a safe bet.

What’s the worst that will happen if these goals aren’t achieved? Usually nothing – ‘we’ll just try again next year’.

What do you really, really want?

But a C-Type goal is your ‘wants’. This is the thing or things you really, really want in life. If you could be, do or have absolutely anything, without restriction, what would that be?

And yes, it starts of as a fantasy. Every achievement of any note has started life as a fantasy and you won’t know how you’re going to do it when you first start out – that’s the point.

Because it’s the personal growth that takes place within you while you’re finding out how to achieve it that makes this a true goal.

It’s what makes this a goal worthy of you trading your time, energy and money for – trading your life for.

If you’re going to spend your days working towards something, make that ‘thing’ worthy of you.

Imagine what your life would look like, what each day would look like, in a life you’d designed. Visualise yourself living it. Imagine how you’ll feel once you’ve achieved it.

This is the first step to setting and achieving your own Worthy Goal.

Why not book an honest, exciting, no-obligation chat with me about YOUR goals – YOUR dreams?

You can choose a time to suit you in my personal diary at https://my.timetrade.com/book/XRJC2

Why is having a big, worthy goal so important?

And why do most people never achieve the things they really want in life?

It’s in our DNA

Human beings are goal-orientated creatures by nature. We are, as far as we know, the highest form of creation and we are supposed to set goals.

We are supposed to look for ways to improve our own lives and those of the lives around us  because it plays a huge part in the evolution of our species.

Dissatisfaction with your life is a healthy, creative state of mind  therefore  we are DESIGNED to be discontent!

Creative discontent is at the very heart of motivation, and yet so many people settle for what they currently have (and frequently complain about it) rather than taking measures to improve things.

And these are usually the same people who, when you tell them about any potential goals/dreams you may be considering will tell you to ‘stop fantasising’.

They’ll ask you why you ‘can’t just be happy with what you’ve got and leave it at that’ because of jealousy, fear or their own guilt.

But the truth is, in order for any human being to live a fulfilled, creative life, goals are essential.

The Law of Creation And Disintegration

One of the most dynamic laws of the universe is the Law of Creation and Disintegration. Absolutely NOTHING will stay as it is, therefore  you’ re either improving the quality of your life or, by default, you’ re taking away from it in one way or another.

And so the choice is yours. It’s a decision only you can make and making no decision is to make a decision.

But the fact is, it’ s only when you become sufficiently dissatisfied with your life as it is now, that you will begin to think of ways to improve it — most importantly, you will decide on a goal.

Dissatisfaction has given us cars, planes, TV and the internet. It has taken us out of the cave and put us into skyscrapers.

It is only because Thomas Edison experienced a deep dissatisfaction with the candle that we’re not all reading by candle light today.

How would YOU like to live?

So start to think about how you’re living now. The things you do from the minute you wake up until you close your eyes at night.

Now think about how you’d LIKE it to be — how, with the infinite potential you possess (we all possess), that scenario might be improved upon.

Keep thinking about this — several times a day, every day — and you can be sure that dissatisfaction will set in, if it hasn’t already.

Someone once said “In the absence of clearly defined goals, we become strangely loyal to daily acts of trivia.”

Isn’t that true? So many people fill their days with meaningless tasks that result in…nothing (or just more of the same), because they just don’t really give what they’re doing any serious thought.

Goal achievers are interesting people. They’re productive, happy people beacuse they aren’t bogged down with such trivia.

As a committed goal achiever you will likely accomplish more with your life in one year than most people do in a lifetime.

Which way would you rather live?

To read more and receive 8 Questions That Warrant Your Attention if you are ever to achieve the things you really want in life, go now to https://emmahague.com/tir-its-time