Stella Eduvie

Case Study: Stella Eduvie, UK

Stella Eduvie


Before joining Thinking Into Results, Stella was stuck. She knew there was so much more for her in life, and that she had a bigger purpose than she was currently fulfilling.

To many people watching, Stella was always positive and  striving for more…

She had been in the personal development ‘space’ for a number of years and KNEW an awful lot already – in fact, when she joined our TIR group, she had just started Bob Proctor’s Coaching Programme – but she just wasn’t seeing the results she wanted.

Stella felt like she needed more personal help to achieve her BIG life goals.

As a mentor to many others, Stella knew the importance of having someone to just show you what to do and how to do it and decided it was time to take her own advice! 🙂

The Results

Since starting TIR, Stella’s self-image has sky-rocketed and she is quickly becoming the women she needs to become to achieve everything she wants in life.
With the support of our community, and regular coaching sessions, Stella has seen what’s truly possible and has create a winning self-image and unstoppable belief!
To start with, she wasn’t even sure what her big goals (or her purpose) WERE in life but now she’s crystal clear and the ideas on how to get there are coming thick and fast!
Stella has become a super-productive implementer and is a huge inspiration to her clients, colleagues, family and everyone around her.

The Process

Working on clarifying Stella’s BIG (C-Type) Goal was our main priority when she first started working with us – and boy, has she uplevelled what she believed was possible!

Stella spent a long time on Lesson 8 – The Power Of Praxis – in TIR, because she knew this was the lesson that would really propel her forward and get her taking serious action!

And she was absolutely right.

PRAXIS is the integration of behaviours with belief…

Many people say they believe something is possible – they may even believe it at a conscious level – but if they don’t REALLY believe it at a deep, subsconscious level, then it’s very likely not going to happen.

You’re not going to spend time, effort and getting uncomfortable doing anything if you don’t believe it will work.

Take a look at the people around you who say they believe anything’s possible – do their actions (their behaviours) say the same thing? Or are they holding back?

We spend a lot of time working at instilling this unshakeable belief in our clients and, as Stella says, this is the piece that has really impacted her the most.

As well as Lesson 6, which is our Self-Image lesson. 🙂

But we’ll cover that in another case study.

Thank you, Stella – and “Well Done, My Friend!”

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