Work With Me

You Can Create The Future You

It’s not who you are that holds you back…it’s who you think you’re NOT.

Sandy Gallagher

Let's work together!

online courses

Real Results Academy

Get an entire year’s worth of training and motivation in the form of daily videos & tasks PLUS access to weekly book reading/Mastermind sessions with my TIR clients.

Thinking Into Results With Emma

This Is Your Chance To Create The Life You Really Want Quicker Than You Ever Thought Possible, WITHOUT Relying On A Lottery Win Or Unexpected Inheritance!

Ignite – Your Personal Roadmap
To 6-Figures & Beyond

Are You Ready To Generate More Income In Your Business? Let Me Walk You Through A Clear, Customised Plan That’s Quick, Simple And Easy To Implement So You Can Attract A Steady Stream Of Ideal Clients.

Want To Work With Me 1-2-1 On YOUR Business?

VIP Private Mentorship Package with Emma Hague – so you can receive her personal, one-­on-­one mentoring, guidance, expertise, and advice regarding your goals and your plan to get you there.
