The Only 3 Steps You Need To Make The Law Of Attraction Actually Work

Want to learn how to make the law of attraction actually work and live a better life?

In this post, I’ll be sharing what the law of attraction is, why it’s important you understand it and the ONLY 3 steps you need to implement this proven technique and make it a part of your life so that you can turn your own results around, no matter where you’re starting from.


I speak to so many people who have been trying to implement the Law Of Attraction (in some cases for decades!) without success.

It pains me because once you really understand it, and start to use it properly, it will change your life.

First, let me explain my own background with regard to this:

As an accountant by profession, I spent years ignoring anything that I perceived to be ‘woo-woo’.  I had been brought up to be a very ‘no-nonsense’, practical, logical individual who had no time for anything I couldn’t actually see.

I know now just how much that held me back for the vast majority of my life – but I would not have touched this topic with a barge pole, even 4 years ago.

It just wasn’t even on my radar – I mixed with friends and colleagues who were like me, attracted clients who were like me and took advice from members of my family (who were like me). I imagine none of them had heard of the law of attraction either, so I just wasn’t exposed to it as far as I can remember.

And I also know now, that’s why I spent over 20 years struggling to get the results I really wanted in my life and business.

I attracted clients who were really negative, who didn’t really want to pay me to do their taxes and who (I felt) took advantage of my time and fear of losing them.

Cash flow was an absolute night-mare, I was working around 2 pre-schoolers and my husband who worked shifts and I could just never see a time when we would have enough money to pay the bills every month, never mind any savings or luxuries.

A Dream Without A Plan Is Just A Wish

Law of attraction - wish

In the 3 years since I learned about this fundamental law and how to use it, my life has been transformed.

We sold the house we had been unable to sell for the previous 3 years (that had felt like a millstone around our neck because we couldn’t afford the repairs it needed), we now live in a lovely, quiet area and I have a huge, private home office that has transformed my working life…

We have a beautiful labradoodle, Lulu. This had previously just been a dream for me and my girls as my husband thought he was allergic to dogs and never liked them. In the 20 years we’d been together he always vowed he would never have one. Lulu will be 3 in November. J

I became a consultant with the Proctor Gallagher Institute, working with Bob Proctor and Sandy Gallagher and finally replaced my accounting income so I could close the business I had being trying to find a way out of for years.

I am surrounded by positive, like-minded individuals and have learned how to stop negative circumstances (and people) affecting how I feel and what I do.

I took Mr H with me to consultant training in Toronto last year on our first international adventure as a couple for 14 years.

We spent the day at Niagara Falls before training started, I met up in person with a beautiful American client who has become one of my best friends, we spent the week in a luxury apartment, I lived out my dream of being with Bob in person for 5 days and Karl and I relived our honeymoon for the day in New York City on the way home.

I have become the business owner I dreamed about becoming for so long and I’m the happiest person I know.

I’ve cut down massively on my alcohol intake (granted, it was a high starting point!) and am finally losing the weight I put on with my 2nd baby 10 years ago.

I have multiplied my annual income and work with individuals all over the world, doing what I love and showing them how to re-programme their thinking the way I have done, so they can implement the law of attraction into their own lives and turn their own results around.

I’m not telling you these things to brag. Everyone’s dreams are different. The things I have achieved so far may seem small to you, or they may seem huge. They’ve been life-changing for me.

I’m telling you these things to illustrate how the law of attraction works for everyone. I am living proof.

But I know this is just the beginning. For me and the amazing people I work with.


(And if you’d like more info, you should join us for my next FREE 5-Day Science Of Success Quick-Start Challenge and let me help you in person! You can register now at


So What Exactly IS The Law Of Attraction?

Here comes the science…

First, I’d like to talk about desire from the point of view of quantum physics. Yes, really!

You probably already know that ‘desire’ is the starting point of any change. In fact, in his book ‘Think And Grow Rich’ Napoleon Hill ranks Desire as being ‘The First Step To Riches’.

Now, I’m no scientist. In fact, I don’t even really remember learning much about physics at school but it’s fair to say I’ve developed a keen interest since seeing the law of attraction in action!

What you need to understand is that what we see with our eyes when we look around (the only things I believed in a few years ago) is really just the tip of the iceberg.

The trees, the sky, even our own bodies represent a tiny fraction of what is actually ‘real’.

Take your hand and look at it. It looks fairly solid doesn’t it? But it’s really not.

If you put your hand (or a pen, a leaf, a piece of paper or anything else for that matter) under a strong microscope, you’ll see a mass of vibrating energy.

Everything we see (and everything we don’t see, actually) is made up of the exact same thing, whether it’s your hand, your pen, the ocean or the sky. Energy.

This is not a new idea.

In 1925, Albert Einstein wrote on his chalkboard

“ E = MC² ”

What that says (in extremely simple terms) is that energy = matter. In other words, all matter is simply energy, vibrating at different speeds. The speed at which it is vibrating simply determines it’s mass – or how ‘solid’ it is.

Think about this breakdown:

First there is the Universe.

Inside the Universe is our Galaxy.

Inside our Galaxy is planet Earth.

Living on planet Earth are individuals.

Inside us are our organ systems.

Our organ systems are made up of cells.

Inside those cells are molecules.

Molecules are ‘made up’ of atoms.

Atoms consist of ‘particles’ of energy.

This means there is a whole raft of different levels to talk about when we are discussing anything.

But essentially, everything in the entire Universe is energy vibrating at different levels and, therefore, taking on different forms be it solid, liquid or gas.

The law of attraction shows us that energy (in all forms) attracts other energy that is vibrating at the same frequency.

Think about a pool of water – if you moved it closer and closer towards another puddle of water, they would eventually attract each other and join together to make one huge puddle.

If you moved a puddle of oil towards a puddle of water they would never mix – because they are vibrating at different frequencies.


Think And Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

The Secret by Rhonda Byrne

Why is the law of attraction important?

Whether you understand it or not, whether you ‘get it’ or not, whether you believe it or not, the law of attraction is 100% present 100% of the time.

That means you are constantly attracting thoughts, ideas, people, events, circumstances and ‘things’ into your life.

Whether you like it or not.

We know that all energy vibrates at a particular speed (see above!) which then emits a particular frequency. Human beings are frequency generators. We are vibrating at a particular frequency because we are simply a mass of energy.

If you get close to someone’s skin you can actually feel the infrared energy they are giving off – we would identify it as heat.

Masaki Kobayashi from the Tohoku Institute of Technology has developed a camera that can actually photograph the (very low) levels of light energy being emitted by the human body.

We now have scans that can record the energy patterns and levels being given off by the brain.

What most people don’t understand is that a thought is energy and, therefore, has a frequency.

We can actually measure thought energy.

So if you’re thinking a particular thought over and over again or if you’re imagining in your mind having that new house or having that amount of money you really want or finding that ‘special someone’…

OR conversely if you’re worrying about something happening over and over again or getting angry about the same thing over and over again…

Think about what that looks like. You’re emitting that particular, specific frequency over and over again on a continuous, persistent basis.

Our job, as humans is to hold onto the thoughts of what we really want – get it absolutely crystal clear in our minds – and think about it over and over again.

And from that point we start to initiate the greatest, most fundamental law of the Universe.

The law of attraction.

We know that energy operates according to very strict laws – and that energy is attracted to like energy (i.e. energy vibrating at the same rate). The higher the rate of vibration, the more readily this occurs and more the more easily they combine.

Thoughts are vibrating at incredibly high frequencies.

Therefore, your thoughts readily attract like-thoughts, like-ideas and other like-energy.

Whether they are negative thoughts or positive thoughts is immaterial. Whatever thoughts you are entertaining on a regular basis dictate the results you are attracting.

So it is hugely important that you are aware of what your thoughts are, at the very least in order to avoid attracting things you do not want.

How Do You Use The Law Of Attraction To Change Your Results?

In her book ‘The Secret’, Rhonda Byrne lays out a 3 step ‘creation’ process taken from the New Testament in The Bible to explain, in simple terms, a tried and tested method of putting the Law Of Attraction into practice.

Indeed it is a simplified version of the system I use myself and the programme I now take clients through during my own Thinking Into Results Mentorship.

You might also want to read my blog post “The 9-Step Proven Formua To Actually Turn Your Life-Goals Into Achievements, So You Can Stop Wishing And Start Planning.” at

Step 1 – 'Ask'

Make a command to the Universe. Remember: the Universe responds to the frequency you are transmitting and the source of this frequency is your thoughts.

Get clear in your own mind what it is that you really, really want. Not what do you think you can probably have but what do you really, really want?

Forget about what you think is ‘realistic’ and forget the fact that you don’t know how to do it yet.

Just picture how your life would look if you could be, do and have anything your heart desired.

Write it out in as much detail as you possibly can – actually get it down in writing – and make a statement using the present tense “I am so happy and grateful now that…”

Really put your imagination to use and come up with exactly how you really want all the different areas of your life to look.

You can choose what you want but you must be absolutely crystal clear on what you want.

If you’re not clear, or are bouncing backwards and forwards between potential goals, you will be sending out mixed frequencies and can only expect mixed results.


Step 2 – 'Believe'

Believe that it’s already yours.

This step is one that is often missed out because it can be tough for people to believe in something they don’t yet know how to do.

But remember, the law of attraction is working ALL the time, not just when you’re consciously thinking about it. So whatever it is that you truly believe in your heart of hearts is what will be attracted to you, unless you make a concerted effort to change and control it.

You must develop complete, unwavering faith at a deep, subconscious level that what you want is on its way to you. Even though you may not see any signs of evidence of this, you must know that once you have ‘placed your order’ with the Universe (see Step 1 above), there are people, events and circumstances working together behind the scenes to bring you the things you have asked for.

So how do you develop such faith? Well, there are many different methods but the one I use with my Thinking Into Results members is visualisation.

Making time to completely relax and imagine yourself having achieved the things you want to achieve and feeling how that feels.

 This ‘feeling’ element is important and often only comes with lots and lots of repetition and is a large part of what we do.

It is the feeling that creates the correct frequency needed for the law of attraction to be effective and it is constantly exposing your subconscious mind that will start to change your paradigm and your beliefs.

Step 3 – 'Be Ready To Receive'

Taking control of the law of attraction is not possible without you actually taking action.

Taking inspired action is how you become ready to receive the good that you desire. The Universe / God / Spirit can only work with and through you it cannot do it for you.

When you have an inspired thought or idea, take it as the Universe guiding you toward the actions you need to take in order to receive the things you want.

You must act on these thoughts when you receive them. Ignoring them or ‘putting them off’ is the biggest reason why so many people say the law of attraction doesn’t work.

Sitting back and just waiting for the things you desire to simply materialise in front of you is likely to lead to disappointment.

You don’t have to know the whole ‘how’ but you do need to follow your intuition in taking the steps you need to take to get you to where you want to go.

If you have applied the first 2 steps as instructed, the way ahead will become clear. But you must start moving first.

Start now to act as if the things you want are already yours. Plan for their arrival and try with all your might to feel how you’ll feel when they are in your possession.

What Happens When you Use The Law Of Attraction?

The law of attraction is working all around you 100% of the time. If you’re not controlling what you attract into your life, who is?

Newsflash: No-one has decided in advance what your purpose in life should be or what path you will follow. It is not laid out ahead of you.

If you don’t decide what it is, you are simply stumbling through life.

Your purpose is what you say it is. Your mission is the one you give yourself. Your life will be what you create it as and no-one will stand in judgement of what that is. Ever.

You, and you alone, decide what your life will look like.

It may be that your life right now has been built on baggage left over from the past. You may be dominated by thoughts of things that happened years ago. You may have been conditioned into a life of lack and limitation.

But know now that you can start over.

You can wipe the slate clean now right here, right now.

Decide what it is you want your life to look like and commit to making it happen. Even if you don’t yet know how.

The law of attraction is the controlling factor that will allow you to do it.

As you delve into this process, happiness, joy and fulfilment will be yours. As you learn to go after the things you really want in life and open yourself up to accept the abundance of the Universe, you realise how phenomenal life really is.

You will live in a different reality – a different life. And you will find people asking what you’re doing differently – what’s changed for you?

And you’ll be able to share with them the secret of the law of attraction.


Emma Hague And Bob Proctor
Proctor Gallagher Consultant logo

Emma Hague is a Certified Proctor Gallagher Consultant and Real Results Mentor based in the U. K.

A qualified accountant by profession, Emma now teaches self-employed women (and some very lucky men!) over 40 in the UK, USA & Canada how to achieve their life-goals – no matter where they might be right now.

As a business owner for over 14 years, Emma believes passionately that we need to take control of (and responsibility for) our own lives in order to create the freedom we all want.

Away from her business, Emma is an avid rugby league fan and loves to spend time with her family (she is mum to two young girls and two grown-up step-sons).

She also enjoys running, beach holidays and going on city breaks with her husband, Karl.

Emma’s own turning point came when, having hit rock bottom financially, she realised that after selling the family home to pay off debts and just try to ‘get in front’,  she would likely struggle to ever get a mortgage again.

Bringing their dream of a large, beautiful family home and worldwide travel crashing down around them.

Furious with herself, and the system, Emma committed to taking back control and creating the future she wants for her and her family by doing whatever it takes to create the life she really wants – and to help others do the same.

Emma understands the frustration, and time pressure felt by men and women who are entering the second half of their life and wondering how they’ll ever achieve the things the dream of before their time on this planet is over.

She is a coach and mentor grounded in the real-world and can help you create what’s next for you.