You know you should work out how to charge more for your services, but it’s just not that easy is it?
I’ve written this article specifically for small business owners who are consultants, coaches, healers, therapists, trainers, authors or speakers or who own any other type of service business.
I understand YOU really well because I AM you…and I’ve been in your shoes.
You want to make a real difference for people and to make great money doing it, so you need a simple strategy for being able to charge more than you do currently while helping your clients enjoy amazing results, without worrying about what other people think …
giving you a boost to your income AND your impact.
And that’s exactly what you’re going to discover in this free checklist, as I walk you through How To Charge More For What You Do With Authenticity And Integrity
Ready to get started?

I remember the days when I knew I had to start charging more for my services if my business was going to have any chance of helping me achieve the things I really wanted in life…
So many thoughts flooded my mind:
My clients can’t afford to pay more than they do now…
I won’t get any new clients if I charge more than I do now…
People will think I’m taking advantage of them if I charge more…
Until, that is, I made a few tiny shifts to what I was doing to attract and sign up new clients.
And now I want you to have this specific, simple how-to strategy, because it became the foundation for how I rapidly turned my business from one that was struggling with epic ‘roller coaster cash flow’…
to one with amazing clients, regular, recurring income and periodic boosts of cash that have helped me pay down debts and actually start to build savings (something I thought I’d NEVER be able to do)…
It all starts this week with deciding to start charging what you’re worth!
With just one new client, your confidence is going to skyrocket! Imagine the
priceless value of knowing how to do this any time you want.
This is EXACTLY what I did to start charging what I’m worth… transforming my intention of making good money for me and my family into a reality of cash flow coming in.
Which is why I’m excited to get these tips into your hands, because they will help you transform your business and your mindset, so YOU can start charging what you’re really worth — this week!
(And if you’re interested in learning more, why not check out my next FREE ‘6-Steps To 6-Figures’ 5-Day Challenge’)
Step 1 - Decide If Your Current Niche Is 'Hot Or Not'
(If not, you might need to make some tweaks…)

(GREAT NEWS: Your unique, lucrative niche contains the people who truly value what you do and will pay you what you’re really worth! You may well be trying to sell to the wrong groups of people.
QUESTION #1: Is your niche BIG enough to be viable?
(It must be at least 10,000 people or more)
QUESTION #2: Are your ideas/services flowing upstream/downstream within the cultures of your niche?
Flowing upstream within the culture that is already present within your niche means you’re attempting get them to change their ideas and beliefs about your topic.
Flowing downstream means your ideas/services are ones your niche is likely to accept. If you’re flowing upstream within your niche, you’ll find marketing and making sales difficult, time-consuming and costly.
QUESTION #3: Do the people within your niche have a history of investing in things of a similar nature to what you offer?
Remember, people will put up with a lot before they decide to invest in solving a problem. It’s best to focus your business on solving a problem your clients already hold as important.
QUESTION #4: Do you love them?
You’ll be spending a lot of time with the people in your niche, which means you need to love these people and what you’re doing with them. If you have any doubts at all about the people you’re talking to, it affects your energy and that affects your results.
Step 2: Create Packages That Sell Themselves

Instead of charging by the hour or session (a big no-no on our campus), try creating one of the following packages that clients pay you up front for (or by way of a deposit and smaller instalments).
This is absolutely critical to getting your cash flow on an even keel.
How to get STARTED
How do your clients get started, creating the results they want, with your expertise? Think of specific action steps that help them meet their first goal or milestone.
How to get to the next LEVEL
What do your clients get stuck with and what’s the next level they want to achieve? Be specific in how you define this and you’ll create a profitable package.
What is the STEP-BY-STEP to creating outstanding results?
People love to invest in step-by-step programmes so they save time and feel confident they’ll achieve the results they want. Be specific in the steps you outline, but don’t try to turn your client into an expert.
How to master a specific SKILL
Clients love to invest in learning how to master something that they know they need in order to achieve the results they want. Offers like these are easy to market and even easier to enrol clients into.
Step 3: Price Your Offers With Confidence And Clarity
If you struggle with how much to charge and how to confidently state your fees, you’re not alone.
Never mind the added stress of secretly (desperately) hoping your potential clients will say yes when you’re already stressed from tight cash flow.
But explaining, justifying or negotiating your fees is just NOT client attractive!
It makes clients wonder why you’re not confident in your own abilities – and to lose faith in you themselves.
That’s why I coach my clients to be able to charge what they’re worth AND talk about their fees with clarity and confidence.
(You can get more tips on increasing your self-confidence in my recent blog post “How To Create Winning Self-Esteem And Unstoppable Confidence”)
Here are my Top 15 Pricing Do’s And Don’ts taken from my own ‘6-Steps To 6-Figures And Beyond’ Coaching Programme:
- DON’T… Use words like “price, cost, buy or discount” when discussing your fees
- DO… Always say “invest or investment”.
- DON’T… Discuss the investment until you’re sure they are a fit.
- DO… Get clear about the type of person you want to work with and definitely listen to your intuition about who is (and who is not) a fit
- DON’T… Allow a client to renegotiate their deposit. How you handle payments sets the tone for your credibility throughout the relationship
- DO… Always make the deposit non-refundable. This is their commitment to their transformation
- DON’T… Undercharge –it devalues your credibility and reputation. People respect what they pay more for.
- DO… Remember that your clients aren’t investing in you; they are investing in themselves through you.
- DON’T… Base your pricing on time. Clients are investing in results, attention and accountability to move forward.
- DO… Have your client sign a simple agreement.
- DON’T… Decide what someone can or cannot afford. You have absolutely no idea how powerfully someone can step up when it’s for something they really want.
- DO… Adopt the mindset of holding your clients as powerful, no matter what, even if they want to drop out of a programme or delay their payments (you’ll be surprised how often this mindset will help you lead your client to make a new, empowered decision).
- DON’T… always post your fees on your website
- DO… Consider offering a payment plan as one of your payment options
- DO... Remember that a payment plan is a courtesy you’re offering your clients. They are investing in a programme (not paying “month to month”).
These are some of my best strategies to quickly grow your business and boost your cash flow…
So I invite you to hear me share, step-by-step, how to create the first, real breakthrough you need in your business in my next CONTENT-PACKED, FREE ‘6-Steps To 6-Figures’ 5-Day Challenge
You can register now at